Upgrade to Amazon Linux PHP 8.3

Drupal is supposed to be very fast with PHP 8.3.

Upgrading AL2023 to begin with

First, upgrade the Amazon Linux side

$sudo dnf upgrade

... Various things come up, but 20241121 seems to be the latest.

$sudo dnf upgrade --releasever=2023.6.20241121

After doing this, dnf search php8.3 will bring up PHP8.3 series as Available Package.

Updating the PHP side

Once you delete the previous PHP and install 8.3

$dnf remove php

Watch php-fpm and other things get removed.
-y and then run it.

$sudo dnf install php8.3
→ This seems to work, but there is a conflict and it doesn't work.
→ Follow the hints in the last line.

$dnf install php8.3 --allowerasing
→ add option to OK to remove conflicts

$php -v
PHP 8.3.10 (cli) (built: Jul 30 2024 13:44:37) (NTS gcc x86_64)

→ PHP can be upgraded successfully

Correspondence for Drupal

Miscellaneous upgrade, so a little adjustment

$dnf install php8.3-pdo php8.3-mysqlnd
→ I forgot to update around DB.

$dnf install php8.3-gd
→ forgot to update gd

$sudo systemctl restart httpd
→ Restart httpd at the end

A fine debut for PHP 8.3 series.

dnf install php8.3 --allowerasing

I was stuck on this --allowerasing option. But after I installed it, it worked fine.

dnf install php8.3 --allowerasing
